Losing the Ego, easier said than done

by homeschool 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • homeschool

    I've read Steven Hassan's Combatting Cult Mind Control, and I can see that it's impossible to say anything negative about their religion/cult. Thats just really stinkin' tough when you have proof and evidence of things and they are in LaLa land about their cult! About ten years ago, I was a LOT more outspoken about how I felt about the jw's, but have since grown up a bit. I went walking with my jw sister this morning and asked her about the assembly this past weekend (i've got a plan, and sincerely asking questions is part of it). She went on and on about the different parts....how the prodigal son drama was so touching and made so many people cry because they have loved ones who have left Jehovah. And then she talked about how Brother Barr from the governing body went up , and OHHH he was just so CUTE! and he had this little accent that was adorable! and he mentioned things like the questions I've recently brought up about things "some" witnesses have claimed but haven't come true (1975 mainly). And how it's just like when the apostles thought the times were going to end but they didnt. My little snippity ego started going and I laughed "yeah, but the apostles didn't kick people outta their club if they disagreed with them". She said "its not a club, homeschool". I asked her WHO was saying that 1975 was going to be the end (I already know the answer to that). She said "just....people". I asked "the society?" ....she said "I dont know homeschool. I was only a year old." At that point I told myself to shut up if I ever want to get anywhere with her.

    This is going to be tougher than it looks. She wants to have a study with me, to which I said ok.....so HOW do I bring up controversial stuff from their own literature without sounding like a jerk?

  • rebel8

    Just give her a scan and let her read it for herself.

  • outbackaussie

    Or point her to that youtube video that was posted earlier that discusses 1975 and shows with wtbs literature and audio from Fred Franz specifically talking about not just 1975, but even down to a specific date in September when Armageddon was going to come. They can poopoo it all they want, but it's on the record. Gotta love that new light. It can be blinding sometimes.

  • reniaa

    are you really willing to try and destroy her faith?

    She sounds like a truly loving sister who is happy and settle in her faith. her answer of 'it isn't a club' was spot on.

    Why not just respect her being a Jehovah's witness?


  • isaacaustin

    are you really willing to try and destroy her faith?

    She sounds like a truly loving sister who is happy and settle in her faith. her answer of 'it isn't a club' was spot on.

    Why not just respect her being a Jehovah's witness?


    Reniaa, moving a JWs faith from the governing body- even if she is happy in her faith- is a loving and compasisonate deed. She deserves to have her free mind and once done, her genuine personality can flourish.

  • homeschool

    Reniaa, I want my family back. And to have them crying at a district assembly convention because they are so saddened because they feel I am like the prodigal son/daughter, well, that's just not acceptable. I have no ill will towards Jehovah's Witnesses. But the deceipt and lies that the leaders have told is disgusting.

    Rebel8 & outback, can't they say those were fabricated somehow? I saw them and believe they are real, but can't a jw question its authenticity? Because that youtube video was somewhat pieced together, I went & downloaded the whole hour long talk. What happens when my sis asks where I got the download from?

  • Heaven

    her answer of 'it isn't a club' was spot on.

    That's correct. It's a high mind-control, religious cult.

  • ninja

    what assembly was your sister at?

  • ninja

    was jack barr able to give talks at the recent assemblies anyone?....and what assembly was your "sister" attending homeschool?

  • ninja



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