Favorite/least favorite CO's

by OrangeBlossom 394 Replies latest members private

  • OrangeBlossom

    I thought it would be interesting to find out which CO's would make the top ten list for favorite and least favorite.

    In the FAVORITE category, I would have to list Bro. Eudy. He's relatively new to the circuit work but he was a really cool guy. Last I heard he was serving in the Savannah, GA area.

    In the LEAST favorite, that award would have to go to Clayton Peace. He was the most hard-nosed, unapproachable CO I have ever known.

  • Fredhall

    I think Ray Franz was a butthead when he was an CO.

  • OrangeBlossom

    Fred, you never cease to disappoint me. I expected as much from you.

  • DB

    I won't mention names (no fun in that, LOL) but one CO once disclosed to a car group in service the act that lead to a disfellowshiping of a person in the congregation. So there went my respect for him! Also, he seemed to think that about half the Witnesses were not doing well enough in measuring up to God's standards; he just seemed to be so critical of them.

    There is a DO, Joseph Masachek, who seems like a very cool guy. Takes a break in service. Talks sports. His wife seems down-to-earth also.

  • OrangeBlossom

    DB, Brother Moske once stated that he felt half the witnesses were in to test the other half. Could he be the one?

  • outnfree

    Favorite CO's wife Phyllis Powers (Ron).

    Least favorite CO: Dean Palanzo -- VERY deceitful in the ministry, it turned my stomach! (apparently, his own, too! -- lots of dietary restrictions!

    I used to think I liked Bill Miller, but on reflection since leaving the mind control, he was just a really good motivational salesman.


  • hippikon

    I remember one DO who had to tell our car group about his prostate procedure and how the nurse grabbed his wiggly. He said it was ok to talk about it because there were no ladies present. (Personally I think he loved it and was just bragging).

    Don’t know what category that fits into!

    "But it does move"

  • jschwehm


    We had a CO that the young people in the congregations of the circuit loved but the elders in the circuit, I discovered later, did not really care for too much. His name was Meekins I think. He was really good at getting individuals into the pioneer work. The elders hated it because evidently he would pit one congregation against another one in competition for what congregation could have the most pioneers. The congregation that I was in had the fewest pioneers and when we would attend the circuit assemblies the other congregations would look down at us.

    One CO that the little kids and the families really enjoyed was a CO by the name of Alvin Penn. He was like a grandfather to most everyone. He would always invite all of the young ones onto the stage with him during his thursday evening presentations and the parents in the congregation would love it as did the kids. He is the CO that approved my application for Bethel service. He really was a nice guy.

    By far the worst and most tyrannical CO I ever knew was John Mason. He disfellowshipped individuals left and right and seemed to be very proud of his record of removing bodies of elders that disagreed with him. He went after my brother for french kissing the daughter of one of the elders in the congregation. He told my brother that french kissing was an unclean form of sexual expression and that it is so unclean that true Christians do not engage in such forms of expression. I discovered later that he was the force that wanted to build a new kingdom hall in the area and that our elders were against it. That and other things eventually resulted in our entire elder body being deleted and two elders from a neighboring congregation were eventually brought in. I can remember when all of the things were going on with Mason in the congregation. Elders and Ministerial Servants were writing the Society complaining about him, etc. I had just returned from Bethel and I told these indivduals that if they took Mason and multiplied him by about 2000 that they would realize what Brooklyn, Bethel was like. No one believed me. They all told me that I had a bad attitude and that Mason was only one bad apple in the organization.

    Oh well.

    Jeff S.

  • Yadirf

    Does anyone have any recollection of a Circuit Servant by the name of Grizzle? I can't remember his first name, but he was CS when I was baptized in 1968. If you knew him, what was your impression of him? He visited my congregation the following week after my baptism and called on me to represent the congregation in prayer. So, the first time I ever prayed before an audience was during the CO's visit. I remember him as being a very sincere, eloquent speaker. So, a penny for your recollections and memories. What does he do now, if you know?


  • Jang

    Nicest CO I ever met was Phil Hayworth from Sydney ..... he could have everyone in the KH cryingtheir eyes out when he gave a description of the death of Jesus Christ.

    CAIC Website: http://caic.org.au/zjws.htm
    Personal Webpage: http://uq.net.au/~zzjgroen/


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