I have scanned the March 4, 1942 issue too. I will let you scan the two others.
by chasson 117 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thanks, Charles, for the lastest and I'll work on the other two issues.
For newbies here: Charles has a wonderful site and has scanned many old Consolation and Golden Age magazines. There are about 20 Consolations you can download from:
and about an equal number of Golden Ages you can download from:
The best way to download these is to right click on the links and then use "save target as" and download them into a new folder on your hard drive.
These content of these magazines are truly bizarre. But, don't take my word for it. Download them for yourself and see.
Late to the thread!! Thanks for these scans, they are fantastic. Did anybody else see the "dirty joke" on page 2 of the first issue (November 29, 1939) posted in this thread? There is a limerick printed under the heading "Equ Seau":
There was a young lady named Fleau,
She had a good-looking beau.
Said Fleau to her beau,
"Let us geau to a sheau."
Said her beau, "If you'll bleau, Fleau, I'll geau."
Different meaning back then in 1939, or did they publish a dirty joke inadvertently!?
I think there is a bandwidth limit on how much you can download at one time at chasson's Golden Age and Consolation web site.
If you use a download manager to download many files at once from there, the site might stop sending data after awhile, then you have to wait until it will let you download again.
I would recommend downloading only a few (perhaps 2?) files from the site at any one time.