607 B.C.E. - A Trip To The Local Library! With Pictures!

by mentallyfree31 74 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mentallyfree31

    When was Jerusalem destroyed? Watchtower says 607 BCE. I decided to dig into this matter myself at the public library yesterday. I examined every book I could find that contained facts about Jerusalem. I ended up looking through 9 sets of encyclopedias, all produced by different authors and companies. In each set of encyclopedias, I looked up the following terms: Jerusalem, Israel, Nebuchadnezzar, Zedekiah and Jews. I took pictures of each set of encyclopedias, and every mention of the destruction of Jerusalem. I found absolutely no mention of 607 BCE. All reference books, both secular and religious, agree that Jerusalem was destroyed in 587-586 BCE. Below is the proof for your examination.











    I hope this proves helpful. I've decided to believe what the facts show. And the facts show that Jerusalem was destroyed in 587-586 B.C.E.


  • leavingwt

    Thank you for sharing this with us.

  • Terry

    I have done this very thing for the last 5 years at Half Price Books in the Theology section.

    I wish I had logged the results by camera the way you did.

    This should be done by a lot of us (with cameras.)

    The result should be compiled into a small brochure and mailed directly to every active JW family we can find.

    Nothing by way of explanatory text should be added!

    Let the encyclopedias, dictionaries, commentaries, guides and textbooks speak for themselves!

    We can get LULU.com to publish it.

  • palmtree67

    Nicely done, mentallyfree!

    Thank you for doing this!

  • undercover

    I remember doing the same exact thing back when I first realized that something was bad wrong about 607.

    Even though the WT publications indicated that 'secular' historians did not agree with 607, it never made a dent but once I started to really think on it (something most JWs don't do) I realized that if 607 was wrong, the entire doctrine of the Gentile Times and subsequent prophecies were wrong.

    I couldn't accept what an "apostate" website had to say...I had to see it myself...so off to the library I went. And I saw what you saw.

    Thanks for taking the time to photograph these pages and share. This is a good reference thread for newbies...

  • Hadit

    What a great idea! Thank you - that was lots of work and I'm sure a big chunk of your day.

    Terry - your idea is fantastic. I've always wondered if a mass anonymous mailout would yield results. I'm sure it would open some eyes. It would certainly get people talking and who knows, maybe actually thinking too.

  • besty

    great work - do you happen to have an accompanying list of publication name and page numbers?

  • awildflower

    Fantastic! I'm going to have to save this page for later reference! Great job

  • Mary

    Where's our 'celebrated WT Scholar'?? Usually he rears his ugly head as soon as he sees the worlds "607 BCE" and starts whining about how 'the 70 years of desolation weren't counted' in order to try and explain this away........Perhaps AlanF is making mincemeat out of him again on another thread......

  • cyberjesus

    I think you photoshoped the pictures and modified all the references to 607 bce because you are an expert apostate/graphic-designer controlled by Satan(tm)!

    Unless this information comes from the GB I can not believe it is true. Besides Satan is controlling the world so he controls the press, the libraries are federal buildings so they are controlled by Satan too. And the Internet invented by Al Gore=Vice-President=Satan.

    I am sure I can find a link between your camera and Satan.

    Link / -0

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