wt and money

by zeb 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • LV101

    Yes, Zeb - there used to be a few posts about the WT seizing the INS checks from any construction work/repairs in disaster zones. The non-JWs must have had to sign a form securing the cult's right to any/all insurance funds the homeowner received. Sure hope the repairs/construction were remediated by the cult's A-Team workers. WT cult must be a licensed contractor/lol. I'm sure they don't need to be with their religious freedom and it all falls under any/all general contractors that are members.

  • zeb

    A couple of things here.

    Any brothers I have had do work for me down the years their workmanship has been very average thats when they showed up. and they always wanted the current industry fees for services.

    If your house was badly hit by a cyclone and it was repaired ; well to what standard would that be.?

    A house that is lockable with water and power services is considered livable but the idea is given out by the wt that the brothers descended on a damaged town and rebuilt others homes.. was they rebuilt or made livable?

  • LV101

    I've not had good luck with JW workmen or cleaning people -- in fact, very inept people who are just waiting for the end and fleecing from anyone possible. They have an 'entitlement' attitude but I did have one decent JW worker about 20 yrs. ago. Her parents instilled good, honest, work ethics -- she was responsible and honest. The masses are con artist, liars.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I think JW's as employees are just about like any other group.

    Some are dependable and dedicated to doing a good job. Some are lazy and worthless and really just want a paycheck, NOT a job.

    I actually think the worst "group" might be any of the Bible-thumping Christians. They'll steal from you at least as quickly as the heathen they work alongside.

  • zeb

    At a time when we had kids and a stretched income we had a brother make for our kids some bedroom cupboards. He used second hand chip board timber from old convention props and left us with splintery doors and generally shabby result.

    With jw the attitude of near enough the world will end next week is the norm.

  • LongHairGal


    I am inclined to agree with you about JWs.

    Even though it could be argued that some JWs are dependable and some are not - from what I observed years ago I would rather not take a chance with any of them!

  • LV101

    LongHair - hahahahaha - " . . . would rather not take a chance with any of them!" You are very wise.

  • LongHairGal


    Now I wouldn’t.....back then there was somebody who did my taxes for a time. (I’m sure the whole congregation knew my business and that I had an IRA);..I had a lovely older lady who did seamstress work and was great; there was somebody who was involved with multi marketing and was okay but became ‘scarce’ when I started ‘fading’...You SEE, I got involved before I knew it was a cult.

    I did hear bad stories about what other JWs went through with home improvements.

    In general, I would steer clear. Who wants to play Russian roulette?

  • LV101

    LHG - exactly. "Russian roulette?" Great analogy/bulls eye perfect! I didn't realize they had reputation for shoddy home improvements yrs. ago as so many were in the trades. We could all write books -- even with short-term experience of JWs.

  • zeb

    In the middle of my computer trouble shooting phone call to the Phillipines she came home from the convention.

    In a break from that i asked (just politness) 'how did your weekend go?'

    "Very well, thankyou very much."

    Oh dear it is SNAFU..

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